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British Council
Society Team British Council Office 8 Building, ninth floor - Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD) Lot. 28 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 – 53 (Jl. Senopati Raya No.8B) Jakarta 12190
British Council, a non-profit international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We believe in societies whose young people, citizens and institutions contribute to and benefit from a more inclusive, open and prosperous world. We encourage that by fostering youth engagement, community participation, sports passion and gender equality.

Active Citizens is a social leadership training programme that promotes intercultural dialogue and community-led social development.

Through the programme, we bring together people with different beliefs and perspectives to learn from and share with each other. Working with our partners around the globe, we train participants in the skills and knowledge needed to affect social change in their communities.
1 .
Training of Trainers (ToT) Active Citizens Social Enterprise (ACSE)
Nov 2018 - Des 2018
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