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PT. Wahyu Pradana Binamulia
Jl. Kapasa Raya No.24, Daya, Kec. Biringkanaya, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90241
PT. Wahyu Pradana Binamulia is a private company involved in processing and exporting various seafood products, established in 1990 in Makassar as PT. Wahyu Utama Sakti. The name was then changed to the current name about a year later, as we started to export our products. During the first operation years, we focused in processing frozen raw shrimps, but after several years, the product assortment was expanded to various seafood products, where we added new production lines and factory buildings for this purpose.In 2009 we built a carrageenan processing factory for our subsidiary company: PT. Wahyu Putra Bimasakti, and since then we’re involved in food ingredients business as well.
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Instalasi Fasilitas Pengolahan Rumput Laut
Feb 2009 - Jan 2010
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