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Sabtu , 08 Februari 2025 | L O G I N |    
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Ford Foundation
Sequis Center, Jl. Jend Sudirman no.71, Sequis Center Lantai 11, RT.5/RW.3, Senayan, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12190
The Ford Foundation is not connected to the Ford Motor Company. The Ford Foundation and Ford Motor Company are two separate and legally unrelated entities whose operations are completely independent and have been for more than 50 years. There is not any financial authority, decision making nor funding relationship between the two organizations.

our mission has sought to reduce poverty and injustice, strengthen democratic values, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement.

In addressing this reality, we are guided by a vision of social justice—a world in which all individuals, communities, and peoples work toward the protection and full expression of their human rights; are active participants in the decisions that affect them; share equitably in the knowledge, wealth, and resources of society; and are free to achieve their full potential.

Across eight decades, our mission has been to reduce poverty and injustice, strengthen democratic values, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement.
1 .
Support to Help Seaweed Farmers in Central Sulawesi Increase Production, Improve Organization, and Strengthen Linkages with Carrageenan and Biostimulant Processors
Sep 2012 – Jun 2014
2 .
Support to Develop a Viable and Sustainable Seaweed Business Enterprise Model for Poor Coastal Communities in South Sulawesi
Nov 2014 – Oct 2016
3 .
Coop Strengthening to Enhance Sustainability Seaweed Culture and Seaweed Processing toward Increasing Productivity and Income of coastal communitys in South Sulawesi
Nov 2016 – Oct 2018
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